
ERASMUS+ Youth Education on climate rules in context – EDUCRU

Questionnaire for the selection of project participants

Abstract: The target group is interested in developing their skills, supported by team activities (teamwork, adaptability, problem-solving), presentation of results (time management, communication, presentation skills, research), and participation in a virtual event (digital literacy). Students should be able to speak English to a certain extent for the purposes of an international conference in a virtual world.

The questionnaire has 2 types of questions, the first evaluated by yes/no, where the answer yes is required as a qualification criterion for the selection of the school. The second type of question is evaluated on a scale with a point rating. The first 5 questionnaires in the country with the highest number of points will be evaluated for the selection of the school.

1. Age

2. Language level


3. Environmental interest

4. Relation to technology

5. Capacity

6. Does your school have experience with Erasmus+ projects or other programmes

7. Is there any form of student leadership at the school?

8. Capacity of the school management to devote itself to the participating students

9. What do you expect from collaborating on this project – sustainability, impact, motivation

10. Your school's environmental impact

In case of questions please contact:

Mr. Jakub Šajben, jakub.sajben@bridgeacademy.cz

Thank you

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